The App for your True Self.



Beautiful, unique, inspiring, profound, thought-provoking & encouraging.




Enjoy HOME, the app's welcome page, with the RANDOM QUOTES and uplifting random elements of Inspiration and Self-Care from all app sections.


Allow synchronicity to provide exactly the message you need to hear at this step of your journey.


HOME is like Life itself: intuitive to use and new every time you look at it.




- Every day at midnight UTC, we publish the DAILY QUOTE, a carefully hand-picked quote, and a daily creative image with visualizations or additional thoughts and affirmations.

Soak in the wisdom of famous classic authors, contemporary poets, writers, psychotherapists, and spiritual teachers.

You can scroll up all quotes endlessly in the section DAILY QUOTE with the beautiful full-size design.



- Explore the randomly mixed images of HOME or the complete IMAGE GALLERY.

All images in the app are FREE; you can save them on your device and share them with your friends.



- Get fresh inspiration with the RANDOM QUOTE GENERATOR that randomly pulls amazing quotes from the DAILY QUOTE COLLECTION, an appealing archive with all Daily Quotes.


- Meditate daily and comfortably with the recorded MEDITATION TIMER (5-30 min.) for different moods: RWYA, Theta, Sea, and Pure.

Benefit from the habit of daily meditation.
You can download and listen to all audios in the app offline by marking them as favorites in the detail view.


- Take care of your mental health, develop a sense of safety in your body, and reconnect with your True Self by listening to the guided AUDIOS (Meditations, Affirmations, True Self Reminder & Readings).


- Enjoy the soul-touching PIANO IMPROVISATIONS by Alex - inspired by Quotes!

Since early childhood, Alex has used intuitive piano playing and improvisation to express his soul.

He energetically feels into the subject of the chosen quote and spontaneously starts to play.

Lean back and daydream with the autoplay function of the complete collection.


- Beautiful VIDEOS (Insights, Music, Affirmations, True Self Reminder, Breathing & Meditations) calm your mind and touch your heart.



May our own stories, experiences, and thoughts support and encourage you on your healing journey.


- Use FAVORITES to collect your favorite quotes, texts, images, audios & videos. 


- ABOUT US provides information about the purpose of this app.


- HELLO YOU is your quick way of getting in contact with us. We are always happy to hear from you!


You can also access the complete sections via the tab bar.


Use the SEARCH Section to search for authors and themes.


With the SHARE BUTTONS, you can easily share your faves with your friends and everyone who could benefit.


May RWYA DAILY be your profound daily companion on the Healing Journey through life's challenges to Self-love & Authenticity.